Welcome to EDI Services

Siobhan Cullen Consultancy facilitates workshops and training courses designed to strengthen organisations by enhancing all aspects of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) to cultivate and enhance a sense of belonging for staff, customers, clients and students, whilst also ensuring legal compliance.

Training workshops may be delivered in person, and online and bespoke packages are delivered at organisational level. 

  • Employment Equality & Equal Status laws

  • Public Sector Equality and Human Rights duties

  • Equality Monitoring processes and procedures

  • Avoiding Unconscious Bias in recruitment and promotion processes

  • Gender Equality- how to develop an action plan

  • Race Equality- how to develop an action plan

  • Disability-reasonable accommodations for staff and clients/ customers

  • Neurodiversity and Mental Health- ensuring adequate supports

  • Active Bystanders- how to challenge micro-aggressions and discrimination

  • Creating a sense of Belonging- culture reviews, mentoring and action plans

  • Design and Development of Equality Policies

  • Embedding EDI in Strategic Planning

  • Developing EDI in the Curriculum & Student Mentoring

  • Street Law- embedding legal skills to raise awareness of minority rights and discrimination

  • Facilitating Restorative Practice within education, workplace and communities

  • Conflict Resolution training and Mediation Services

Training & Workshop Facilitation

Tailored Solutions/Bespoke Training

  • Equality Policies - Design and development unique to each organisation to ensure legal compliance and prioritisation of inclusivity. This will advance the organisation and ensure progression in line with evolving legal and social requirements as well as enhancing funding opportunities.

  • Research at organisational level including stakeholder engagement and data analysis with the outcomes impacting policy development, provision of relevant services and reasonable accommodation, as required.

  • Strategic Planning - How to embed EDI into an organisational Strategic Plan including stakeholder engagement, training facilitation and data analysis. This includes review of existing Strategic Plans as well as the design and development of new Strategic Plans.

  • Mediation Services - Mediation services to resolve individual conflict in the workplace, education sector and community in particular where issues relate to equality, diversity and inclusion such as disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation. We will support the parties involved in enabling their voices to be heard in order to reach agreement and resolve conflict. Mediation services are available both in-person and online.

  • Restorative Practice - facilitation is available at group level within workplace, community or educational settings to enable groups to resolve potential conflict through a facilitated process.